Applebee’s Banana Berry Freeze


Adding some pineapple can be a great way to add some bang to this smoothie. Use soft and ripe bananas, green ones will not taste good in this!


1 10-ounce box frozen sweetened sliced strawberries, thawed
1/3 cup pina colada mix
2 cups ice
2 ripe bananas

whipped cream
2 fresh strawberries


1. Use a blender to puree the entire contents of the thawed
box of frozen strawberries.
2. Add 1/3 cup pina colada mix and 2 cups of ice to the blender.
3. Cut the end off end banana — set these pieces aside to use
later as a garnish — then put the bananas into the blender.
4. Blend on high speed until the ice is crushed and the drink
is smooth. Pour into two tall stemmed glasses, such as daiquiri
5. Slice each strawberry halfway up through the middle and add
one to the rim of each glass.
6. Cut each banana slice halfway through the middle and add one
to the rim of each glass next to the strawberry. Top with
whipped cream and serve with a straw.

Makes 2 servings.

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